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  • Renault ECU decoder
  • Goods Brief:ECU Decoder For Renault has several modes of operation and deals with all known petrol and diesel injection systems, introduced in range of year 1994-2001 without intervention in to the ECU.

    Item NO. OBDAPK0165
    >> ECU Chip Tunning

  • USD$39.99

  • CMD CAN Flasher V1251
  • Goods Brief:This CMD CAN Flasher V1251 read and write flash memory via the diagnostic connector on the CAN line of computers with motor MED9.1, MED9.5, EDC16U3x/CP, EDC16CP31, EDC16CP36, EDC16C3 and EDC16C9 fuel injection. Working through CAN, not on K line.

    Item NO. OBDAPK0308
    >> ECU Chip Tunning

  • USD$29.99

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