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VAG Diagnostic Tool >
2017 FVDI2 Commander for Honda HDS V3.016 with Free J2534 DrewTech Software
2017 FVDI2 Commander for Honda HDS V3.016 with Free J2534 DrewTech Software
FVDI 2 Honda HDS=FLY OBD Terminator Honda=J2534 DrewTech Softwares Plus Honda HDS V3.016
Note: J2534 DrewTech Softwares is FREE.
FVDI2 Honda Connection Picture:
FVDI2 Technical Specification:
1. K-line ISO 9141 (100 mA) multiplexed to 24 different pins of the diagnostic connector
2. ISO14230 compliant
3. Single wire CAN bus multiplexed to different pins of diagnostic connector
4. Dual wire low speed CAN bus multiplexed to different pins of diagnostic connector
5. Dual wire high speed CAN bus multiplexed to different pins of diagnostic connector
6. CAN bus GMLAN, ISO14229, ISO15765, J1939, ISO22901 compliant
7. USB interface to the PC
8. Supply voltage 8..30V DC
9. OBDII cable
10. Updatable Software
FLY Honda Software Language: English , Simplified Chinese , Traditional Chinese.
FVDI 2 for Abritus AVDI Software Quick Loader:
OBD Terminator Softwares:
PCB Board Display:
FVDI 2 TAG PCB Board Display:
Contact Information:
Whatsapp: +1 937 888 0032
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E-mail: sale@obdtools.net
Skype: jansonsh@hotmail.com
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